The Texas Faculty Association
The Texas Faculty Association (TFA) is a non-profit organization formed in 1985 to protect the rights of higher education faculty and support staff.
It is dedicated to academic freedom, collegiality across all faculty ranks, faculty participation in governance, and continued improvement of teaching, scholarship and creativity in every college, university and post-secondary institution in Texas.
Affiliated with the Texas State Teachers Association and the National Education Association, TFA has the resources and skills to assist college and university employees whenever problems arise. In addition to a strong, collective voice in the legislature, TFA offers its members access to Member Advocates who can assist with employment related concerns, as well as top-notch professional liability coverage through NEA's Educators Employment Liability Program.
Through NEA's Member Benefits Corporation, TFA members enjoy educator-focused savings programs for financial protection, investments, insurance, travel, and everyday savings on numerous products and services, such as cell phone service, warehouse club membership, auto buying, vacations & tours, and more. Visit the NEA Member Benefits website to see the savings available to TFA members.

Our Vision
"Our vision is university and college communities that are inclusive, with fair and equitable working conditions for faculty of all ranks, in support of the free, responsible, and professional practice of intellectual inquiry."
These principles guide our work and define our mission
Equal Opportunity.
We believe higher education is the gateway to opportunity. All Texas residents have the human and civil right to a quality higher education that develops their potential for lifelong employment.
Higher education provides individuals with the skills to be involved, informed, and engaged in our representative democracy.
Collective Action.
We believe individuals are strengthened when they work together for the common good. As higher education professionals, we improve both our professional status and the quality of higher education when we unite and advocate collectively.
A Just Society.
We believe higher education is vital to building respect for the worth, dignity, and equality of every individual in our diverse state.
We believe that the expertise and judgment of higher education professionals are critical to Texas' success. We maintain the highest professional standards, and we expect the status, compensation, and respect due all professionals.