Help Center
For TFA assistance, please email TFA@tsta.org
Attorneys and Advocates
TSTA has an experienced team of onsite attorneys and advocates, including a network of outside attorneys dedicated to providing the highest level of service to protect a member’s employment rights. The legal services division houses two distinct, but related functions: member advocacy and litigation.
Member advocacy (commonly referred to as the Help Center) operates a high-volume call center to assist members (educators and support personnel) with employment-related legal issues, who have been members of the association for at least 30 days. The Help Center provides legal advice, research, advocacy, and grievance processing. Issues addressed include, but are not limited to, certification, demotion, disciplinary action (reprimand, suspension, administrative leave), violation of the education code, and termination / nonrenewal.
The Help Center is the inception point for members requesting legal assistance. Most member issues are resolved at this level.

Help Center Hours and Contact

At present, issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic have become front and center and make up the majority of contacts made to the Help Center.
The Help Center operates 11 hours each weekday during the school year, but has reduced hours in summer:
8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central Time - During school year
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time - During summer months
The Help Center may be reached toll-free at 877-ASK-TSTA (877-275-8782).
Documents may be faxed to 512-486-7044. Members also may submit issues directly using this link.
The litigation department handles cases that have statewide impact (e.g., T-TESS and charter operators) for all members of the Association and are pursued by discretion of the general counsel.